Rainbow Bridge Memorial Garden Brick

Rainbow Bridge Memorial Garden Brick


Support the Humane Indiana Shelter & Adoption Center by buying a custom brick to honor your family name, mark a major milestone, say thank you, or to give as a unique gift. If you are part of a community-minded organization, we welcome you to buy a brick to show your support. 

Simply fill out the form that appears after you add the item to your cart. You will receive an instant digital download to print or email to share once the purchase is completed.

Let the love and support for your beloved family member, friend, or pet continue to shine and keep the memories alive and flourishing with a personalized brick to display at the new Rainbow Bridge Memorial Garden at the Humane Indiana Shelter. 

Add To Cart

There are just 4 simple steps

      1. Make your donation for your personalized memorial brick using the online order form when you "add to cart" above. If you would like to order multiple bricks, please fill out a separate form for each brick and add it to your shopping cart. Then make one simple payment at the end of your transaction. 

      2. In the order form, you will personalize your brick's message with up to 13 characters per line. You also have the option to add up to 2 special symbols ♡ 🐾  on your brick that help share the love in your message.  ♡ 🐾 Please keep these symbols either at the very beginning or end of the chosen text line. ♡ 🐾

      3. You will receive an email confirmation showing your brick's personalized message and that the transaction has been completed. Don't worry - we'll call you if we have any questions about your order or message. You can also contact us for assistance at info@HumaneIndiana.org

      4. Follow us and stay tuned! As we prepare the personalized bricks and the new grounds for the Rainbow Bridge Memorial Garden, follow us on Facebook for project updates. 

Do you want to tell us more about your loved one? Share why you are making this special gift in their honor and their photo with us at info@HumaneIndiana.org. 

We'll also make a special tribute to them in a thankful social media post.


Please call 219-922-3811 or email  info@HumaneIndiana.org.